My "How to solo quests with lousy equipment" Journal (2024)

Dream Conspiracy
* There are lots of traps in this quest with Search/Disarm well above my ability
* I saved my Unyielding Sovereignty for Jonas Wylkes
* I started in a tunnel and buffed up. I went down the tunnel to a fight in a room with a shrine. I went left, fought some really tough rats and then couldn't progress. I went back to the shrine room and went East through the door
* There were a few humans behind that door. I went to the next door and then went back down the hallway. The door open and some mobs came down to attack me. After I killed them, I went through the door and killed more mobs there. I kept fighting on. The DM said, "You hear ominous chanting coming from the next room" and I came to a door made of bars revealing some people peformng a ritual
* The lever next to the door is a trap. I retreated a few paces, unlocked a gate door, threw the lever there that set off another trap but opened the door. I went in and fought the mobs, healing Jonas Wylkes while we fought and eventually rescuing Jonas Wylkes. I talked to Jonas Wylkes and he told me to kill the leader of the cult
* I went through the door South, killed some mobs and came to some catwalks above the room that had rats. At the far South was a lever that I threw. I was attacked by really tough rats. I droppped down to the floor and had a fight in the shrine room
* The door North was now open. I headed through. I swam for a bit. In the Northwest corner of the swim area is a valve that is helpful to throw for later. I went North out of the water and got into a fight with some casters and the toughest Fire Elemental ever. I killed the Clerics, then the wizards and then the Fire Elemental, which took a lot to kill. I popped the chest. I then went back to the shrine room and rested. I went back to the chest, searched and found a secret door to the North. I opened it, killed a Spectre and released a prisoner. I searched and found another secret door to the West and the same drill. I then went through the door East
* I fought lots of mobs down the hallway. At the Southernmost part of the hallway is a secret door which I ignored for now. Eventually, I cleared all the mobs and came to a gate with a lever next to it. I went back to the secret door, opened it, killed the two Spectres and rescured the prisoner. I went to back to the lever and threw it, then fought down another hallway to a shrine and then fought one more mob in front of a door. I rested up, threw the first lever (which as trapped), through the second lever (also trapped) and went through the door
* The final boss had his prisoners. I buffed for the final battle, then chatted with him and the fight started. The final boss summoned a bunch of Spectres. I killed him. Each of the prisoners woke up and had to be killed and new Spectres spawned. I cast Death Ward and Unyielding Sovereignty on Jonas Wylkes to keep him alive. I concentrated on the Spectres and when one was left, switched away from my undead weapon to kill the boss and the remaining Spectre
* When all of the bosses were dead, I didn't talk to Jonas Wylkes. I went down the stairs and under where I fought to find a really tough puzzle. I solved that and the floor disappeared, dropping me onto some spikes. I hadn't thrown the valve yet, so there was not water here. I climbed out, popped the chest and hit the two piles of gold. I ran back to the water area, threw the valve, came back here and searched the wall between the two ladders and found a secret door. On the other side was a locked chest, which I popped
* I went back to where Jonas Wylkes was and then went on up the stairs and popped the chest. I went back to Jonas Wylkes and talked to him. He teleported out, completing the quest. I Finished.

I tried "The Shipwrecked Spy" failed. All three quests I have tried in this pack have been "defend something or fail" portions and Gunthep is not good at that - he doesn't have Crowd Control or impressive DPS. Time to start auditioning hirelings. I went with a level FvS for the first try, Merenon Lior.

Finding the Path
* A Ghost Touch weapon is really important for this quest. Also, a weapon for defeating a Marut
* I entered into a temple. I walked into the other room and talked to Tashkaar, who put me into a magical sleep. I was teleported to a funky place. I went over to Tashkaar, buffed up and talked to him again. He expressed regret and then walked away. He transformed into a huge bad guy and started sending mobs to smash the orb in the center (my will)
* There are three types of mobs: Dream Crawler (spiders) are pretty easy to kill, Dream Scourge are tougher because they incorporeal and Dream Reaver (funky Flesh Render Aberration that can cast Cursed Wound). The come in waves until all 25 are dead
* I concentrated on the Dream Scourge. I had a Cold weapon for the fire one and a Shock weapon for the Acid one. Next priority were the Dream Reaver. Merenon was a great support - I killed 24 and he killed one
* The big boss summoned three bosses - a boss Skeleton, a boss Marut and a boss Huge Rust Monster. I went after the Huge Rust Monster with an Everbright weapon as I didn't want Merenon to lose his weapons. Then I took out the boss Skeleton, then the boss Marut
* I was teleported back to the original building next to a shrine, where I rested. I buffed up and then threw a switch to open a door to the next room where the boss Tashkaar waited. He someone some guards, but they were easy to kill. He had a ton of HP and cast a lot of spells, but I eventually put him down. In a side room was the one chest, which I popped. Then I ran to the front door and out of the quest

The Shipwrecked Spy
* I cast Resist Cold and Fire on both me and Merenon. I talked to the Captain, cast Resist Cold and Fire on him and then started fighting
* There are a steady stream of attackers. The two big things I did was to keep coming back so Merenon could heal him and to keep Merenon near me so he would get surrounded and killed (which he did in several runs and I failed shortly thereafter)
* There is one wave, another waver almost immediately after it and a third wave with a boss right after the second. The third wave is pretty small so it was as hard as the first two
* After I defeated all three waves, I talked to the Captain again. I went ashore, found the collectable, went to the shrine and killed some mobs there. I didn't need to rest so I continued up the road
* I saw a gate ahead and got about halfway to it when I was hit by an ambush. After I killed the ambush, the gate opened. There was a path to the North that I took and got a Scorpion Crest (it can be in other places as well). I then came down and went through the gate
* The path ended in a barrier of pikes. I backtracked, jumped up on some rocks and continued making my way up, killing archers as I went
* I got to a spot where there were vines hanging down and vegetataion on the ground. I had to jump over a hidden gap to some barely visible wood or fall into a trap. I killed the mobs on the other side and continued on. I was out of SP at this point, so when I got to the bridge, I jumped down and went to the shrine and rested. Then I climbed back up to the bridge, buffed and went through the gate
* I could see a quest entrance in the wall side in the bowl I was climbing up. I jumped down to it and went through. I needed the Scorpion Crest to go through. There were some Drow waiting on the other side. I fought to a giant lever, threw it, fought through another door where there was a shrine and another lever, threw the lever and came to a vast lava room. I jumped into the center and then jumped/swam to my left through the lava until I could climb up, where I found the treasure. I then came back, went to the shrine and rested and left
* I went up to the bridge, crossed over, had a last fight with the Dar Qat forces, went through the now open gate and talked to the spy. I could have kept going, but I don't know why. I competed the quest, popped the newly-appeared chest and Finished

The big thing I am needing is self-healing. I dumped Zeal for Cure Serious Wounds. I swapped out Cure Moderate Wounds for whichever I wasn't using of Remove Curse/Dispel Magic. I have been using my Level 16 Tier 3 Swashbuckler in most quests, but I don't think it works on Dream Crawlers so I am going to switch to my bodyfeeder.

I Dream of Jeets
* To get all the optional chests, you need Dimension Door, which I don't have. See DDOWiki on how to do that
* I used the hireling Lalisa for the final battle to help with DPS, but I may not have needed her
* I entered Jeets' dream, buffed up and moved to where Jeets was standing. I killed the Dream Crawlers around him
* There were three doorways around the platform. I went through the right (West) one and was in a cavern with Jeets. When I talked to him, he ran off. I dodge falling stuff as I followed Jeets as he ran thrugh some tunnels. In the room after the first chest are some air jets - I threw a lever in the same room to turn them off before trying to pass them. Behind the second chest is a Skeleton Key that I will use for an optional chest. After the second chest are more air jets - I threw the various levers to turn them off. Eventually, I got to the back room and another boss battle. The boss doesn't have that much life so I killed the Dream Reaver, then I concentrated on the boss first and after he died, I killed his minions. I talked to Jeets and then exited there and was back in the center
* I went straight across, jumped around to the back side of the mirror and went in. There was a iron door in front of me that I unlocked with the Skeleton key. I then killed the Skeleton that appeared and then popped the chest. This optional is much easier than the other, which is a Huge Rust Monster. I went back out the way I came in
* I went around to the front of the East mirror and went through. I was teleported to a bar with Korthos music. I went through the first door, went down the hallway and came to a lot of Dream Crawlers. I went back to the first hallway and there was a niche next to the door that I fought in so that all of the Dream Crawlers were in front of me. Going back to the hallway, there were two wooden doors and a metal door. I went through the first wooden door and fought several Dream Scourges to get a key
* I went to the other wooden and it was locked. I could have skipped this as there is no benefit to this room buy I am going for Conquest. I unlocked it and went it. I found a Gold Key and left. Some Dream Crawlers attacked me in the hallway. I retreated back to the first hallway and fought from my niche again
* I went through the metal door and found Jeets. I tried talking to Jeets and the bartender summoned a boss Dream Scourge and some Dream Crawlers. I retreated to my niche, killed the Dream Crawlers and then killed the boss Dream Scourge. The fantasy didn't end. I destroyed all of the Good Stuff barrels and a way out opened in the bar where Jeets was at. I went through it and was teleported back into the center
* I went to the far side of the South mirror and went in. There was a shrine there and I rested. I came out and went in the near side of the South mirror. I was in a spa. I buffed up and talked to Jeets. I then Cellimas and then a boss Dream Reaver appeared. I killed him. I talked Jeets and then exited there to back in the center
* I rested and then summoned Lalisa. I had Lalisa cast Haste on me, then I went to the East side of the central platform, put on my Feather Fall boots, stepped off and turned around to land on a mirror directly under Jeets. I went through the mirror to get some bacon. I went back through the mirror to return to Jeets
* Jeets was active now. I talked to him and we headed towards the North door. The Devourer of Dreams showed up and talked for a bit. I buffed up myself and Lalisa with Energy Resists and Shield. I put Lalisa on Passive. I went through the mirror and was teleported to a new battle area. I had Lalisa summon a Hezrou, cast Haste and then I parked her off to the side. I ate the bacon to summon Jeets' Id. I started whacking on the Damsel in Distress. When Jeets' Egos appeared, I killed them as quickly as I could. I tried to ignore Jeets and let the Id and the Hezrou keep him occupied. I could got the Damsel's life down to about a quarter and Jeets' Super Ego appeared. I fought him for a long time and eventually took him out. In previous attempts, I wasn't able to kill the Damsel while the Super Ego was still alive. I then went back to the Damsel and finished her off
* I then popped the chest, talked to Jeets one last time and finished

The Mindsunder
* True Seeing was really helpful for this quest as some bosses where Displaced
* When I entered the Inspired Quarter, I hung a right and then dropped down a level to the hidden entrance
* I entered and buffed up. I went down the hallway a little bit to a big fight with Human guards
* I went down the stairs and behind them to chest. I had a fight there. I popped the chest. There was also a lever there but I didn't throw it yet
* I went up the stairs and search to the left of the shrine for a secret door. I went through for another fight with guards. Two more levers here, but I didn't throw them yet
* I went down the West side of the top floor and fought a boss Human Sorcerer and a boss Human guard. The door they were guarding was locked. Throwing the two levers beyond the secret door opened it
* The next room was a library. Another guard fight. I opened the next door and it lead to a hallway and another fight. I opened the next door and fought more guards and two bosses. I went back to the first shrine and rested, then came back here
* I buffed up and went through the South door. I few mobs then another door. A big fight with lots of casters. I killed the Wizards first, then the assistant boss then Nogan Vils. Nogan self-healed pretty quick so it was hard to take him down
* I went to the South side of the room looking for a chest and found a Sorcerer who summoned three Dream Scourges. After that fight, I popped the chest. I went through the next door, killed a few mobs and went through the next door. A barracks of melees and a shrine. I killed them but didn't rest. I went through the next door and down a hallway into another fight. In the distance I could see the Mindsunder. After I killed the mobs, I went back to West of the second shrine and searched for a secret door. I went through and killed some mobs. I then rested. North of the shrine was a lever that I threw. I went to the room beyond the secret door and threw a lever. I then buffed up for the final battle
* I went into the Mindsunder room and the boss there summoned a bunch of Dream mobs. I concentrated on killing the boss with everything I could. Once he was dead, I played a rope-a-dope strategy - buff up, throwing everything at the Mindsunder, take breaks for healing, and when my healing was all used up, run out and go rest at a shrine. Killing the mobs was pointless as they respawned. However, they wouldn't go far from the Mindsunder which allowed me to run away and heal. If I thought I was close to dying, I ran away from the Mindsunder. One time I died but was able to reach the Rez shrine from the hallway where I died. I finally destroyed the Mindsunder, ran back to heal up, killed the Dream mobs (they didn't respawn with the Mindsunder gone) and popped the chest
* There is a little room beyond the chest that requires 4 color discs to summon a special chest that may drop named items. I didn't have the discs, so I finished

In the Demon's Den
* Resist Cold and Fire are critical. Fearsome armor was very helpful
* I stared in a little cul-de-sac. I buffed up and went North. I fought some Lions. I came to a bend in the tunnel and just before the water, I searched for a trap and disarmed it. I then went over to a lever and threw it. A secret door opened and Gnolls attacked me. I killed them. I continued North, killed some more Gnolls, then a Fire Elemental, then some Greater Umbral Gargoyles around a shrine
* I went West into a little alcove. Fire starting shooting up around a lever. At the base of the mound, I searched for traps and disarmed the trapbox. I threw the lever to open a secret door back in a side passage South of the shrine. I went there and went East
* I got a ledge high above a room. The boss Marilith (Aurora the wicked) sent two Ice Flensers after me. I killed them. I then ran down to the main room and started smashing stuff around the boss. She ignored me. There were three tunnels out of the main room - South, Northwest and Northeast
* I went down the South tunnel and fought a variety of mobs, but mainly Lions. I got down to where the switch was and the shrine was there. The shrine will appear in one of the tunnels and I want the final fight to be near it, so I stopped exploring this tunnel and went back to the main room
* I entered the Northwest tunnel, fought up the tunnel and eventually go to an intersection. I was fighting Ice Flensers and other mobs. I went North into an alcove and defeated some Earth Elementals. I disarmed a trap there and then threw a lever. That opened a path South and I killed an Earth Elemental there. I went East to an alcove that could have had a shrine but didn't. I went South and fought down to a boss Efreet. I killed him and then fought back to the main chamber
* There were quite a few mobs there. I went to the Northeast part of the main room and ran down a tunnel East. I killed the mobs who followed me, then I started killing the mobs in the tunnel. Fire Elementals with other mobs. I got to a three way intersection, went North and came to an area that could have a shrine and another trapped lever. I disarmed the trap and threw the lever. I went back to the intersection and killed some Earth Elementals. I decided this was a good time to use the first shrine. I went back to the main room, up the ramp to the first shrine and rested. From this point, I saved all of my Lay On Hands and Unyielding Sovereignity for the final boss fight
* I went back to the Northeast tunnel and went down the new passage South. I fought a variety of mobs and eventually got to another boss Efreet. I killed him, fought my way up to the shrine and rested
* I fought my way towards the main room and went back to the South tunnel. No mobs respawned, so an easy run to the lever.I threw it, went back and went North up a new passage. I fought down to where I could see the final boss Efreet and buffed up with everything, including all 5 Resists. I switched to my bow and started shooting the boss Efreet. I pulled him down near the shrine and then I killed him. I went over to the shrine. Two Earth Elementals came up the tunnel and went past me towards the end. They came back out and I fought them. I had killed one and was about to the kill the second when I get hit with a Burning Blood spell. That meant the boss Marilith had found me
* She was by herself. We fought for a while and I steadyily used up all my healing. I was careful to stay close to the shrine as she would regularly send me flying. She killed me and went away. I rezzed, rested, buffed up and was ready to go. I could have gone another round there, but I wanted to be sure that I could take her down so I ran across to the first shrine. I pulled a number of mobs with me. I killed some of them before the boss Marilith caught up to me. I killed the rest of her mobs and then concentrated on her. I thought she was going to kill me again, but I killed her first
* I went back to the main room and popped the two chests and then Finished

At level 19, I will have a realistic chance of getting 50 House C favor, which will boost my crafting for myself and my guild. So I started running some of the challenges to boost my House C favor. Dr. Rushmore is my favor challenge. I ran Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Behind the Door a few times on level 15 to try for 6 stars, but had terrible luck with crests. I ran Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets on level 8, got lucky and had a 5 star run.

Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets
* Luck is huge for this challenge. The first lucky break you need is to have a boss in the Bathroom when you are nearby. Then you need a good distribution of crests. Then you need the bosses to roam to somewhere in your path so that you don't have to make major detours to kill them
* I got the House P Jump buff before running this quest
* I went through the initial door, activated the first portrait, and killed the spawned mob. As I was overlevel, killing the mobs that the portraits spawned was pretty easy and I would always do it when I activated a portrait
* I turned right at the first intersection and cleared out the rooms there
* I went back to the first intersection and went North, clearing out all the rooms upstairs and coming down the Eastern staircase. There was one point where I had to jump down to activate one portrait. 32 portraits left
* I went North from the staircase, activated the two portraits and then opened the door. 30 portraits left
* I went to the Gallery and cleared out both sides of the staircase on the ground floor and then went up the stairs and left. I grabbed the crest by the shrine and then got the crests if any at the South end. Then I jump down and went South. 27 portraits left
* In the courtyard, I went a little right and did a loop around the two ramps. I checked for the crest under the right ramp. I went up the ramp to the second level, looked North for a crest, went and got it, headed South and make my way around to the other side of the "U". I jumped from there to the ramp to the third floor. I went right and made my way around to the East door, which I opened
* I charged down the hallway and went up to smash stuff and activate the portrait. Ugg went to the Bathroom, giving me a lucky break. I went North, activated a portrait, jumped down, went into the Men's room (right side) and killed Ugg. I activated the portrait there. I went into the Women's room and activated the portrait there. I then went South, activated the portrait in the corner and then went back to the courtyard. 21 portraits left
* I went South, activated a portrait, went through the South door and entered the Library. I activated the portrait in front of me, then turned right and went up a ramp to look for a crest. I then came down and went East and up a ramp to smash a bookshelf and check for a crest. I jumped down from the West side of the upper level, looked for a crest to the South, activated a portrait, headed East, checked for the crest on top of the bookcase, went East more to activate another portrait
* I went North and down the ramp to the Ritual Chamber where I checked for a crest, smashed stuff and activated a portrait. I went up the ramp, North to another portrait, and then Feahterfell East to the bottom, where I kill the two mobs there. 15 portraits left
* In the Bath House, I went up the ramp, grabbed the two possible crests and then jumped down from there. If there is an Air Elemental up there, I kill him with my Paralyzing bow. I killed the Water Elemental, smashed stuff and then went through the door East
* I cleared out the room in front of me and activated its portrait. I then jumped up to the ramp and went up a level. I went left at the intersection and then went down the two ramps to clear out those areas (Featherfall makes going down quick). I went North from there to the ramps down, cleared out things there, then went South to the prior intersection and then East. I avoided the portait at the intersection as I will get it later
* At the Observatory, I popped the door East. I went East to the Boudoir and killed Mistress Temptia. She hadn't moved and I didn't want to risk her going someplace else when I was so close. I ran back to the Bath House and went through the South door
* I unlocked the door to the cage and cleared it out, ran down the hallway to the next cage and cleared it out. I then headed North. There is a crest up high that I haven't been able to reach. When I go to the stairs, I went up them, threw the switch, and searched for a crest. I then went down the stairs, throw the other switch, cleared out the space to the left, activated its portrait and exited North. 13 portraits left
* At the Back Door, I smashed the two barrels, dove into the water to find the three possible crests, popped out on the far dock, went through the door, killed Smiling Sam, searched for the secret door, grabbed the crests there, left the Assassin's Crib and went back to the Back Door
* I went North, up the stairs to a switch, searched for a crest, back down the stairs and East. I killed the mobs, clear the smashables in the hallway corner, activated a portrait, North to the door and through. I went left to the Observatory and opened the North door. I then went South and then East to the portrait I hadn't activated and activatged it. 11 portaits left
* I returned to the Bath Room, killed the mobs following me, searched for the secret door and went through. I then Featherfell to the bottom of the ramps and then followed the passage. I killed the Mother of the Nest and then went up the ramp to its end. I searched for the secret door and went through that into the Banner room
* I went into the center of the room, killed the mobs there, then opened the East door. I went down the hallway, activated a portrait and smashed stuff and then returned to the Banner room. I went to the throne in the middle of the South wall. I jumped up on the structure above the throne and then jumped along the South wall East to the corner. I then jumped North along the East wall to the next corner, grabbing a crest along the way. I ran up the far banner and jumped onto the chandler. I then jumped from there to a ledge with a crest on it Northeast of me. I ran down a horizontal banner and jumped North to a niche to the get the crest there. I returned to the horizontal banner, went to its West end and then jumped South to a ledge with a crest. I went South to another crest. There can be crests in the middle chandler and on a ledge further South. I fell and couldn't finish getting all of the crests
* I then activated all of the portraits in the Banner room and went through the North door. 7 portaits left
* I entered the Grand Entrance Hall, went along the left wall, activated a portait and then went East. That eventually lead me to the Chapel. I grabbed the two crests there and went through it to the Armory. I smashed the stuff there, took the ramp up and cleared up on high. I Featherfell down and opened the door South. I activated the two portaits on the way back to the Chapel and back to the Grand Entrance Hall. I then activated all of the portaits in the Grand Entrance Hall, earning that star. I went through the North door
* I entered Pleasant Street. I wasn't sure where Crystal the Giant was, but Dr. Rushmore was in his Hidden Sanctum. I went to the North side. I jumped on some architectural doodads West and got up to the roofs. I continued West until I came to a ladder. I climbed that and then jumped South on to the roofs there. I headed West, grabbing crests as I went. When I got to the end, I jumped down and searched for a secret door. I went North to a ramp. I went to the wall beyond the ramp, searched for a secret door to look for another crest. I went up the ramps to the top floor
* I threw a lever, went through the door, threw another lever, went through another door and then got to a door North. I opened it, grabbed a crest and then searched for a secret door. I went through and killed Rushmore. I ran out of there to try to outrun the elementals. I ran East to the end of the hallway and opened the last door. I continued East and got trapped by all the elementals and mobbed and killed them all
* I just had Crystal the Giant to kill for a five star run. I check the log and she was in the Money Laundry Room. I jumped down into Pleasant Street, went back up on top as before and went East went I got to the roof on the South side. I came to the Money Lanudry Room and killed Crystal the Giant with like 20 seconds left. I then killed the Elementals and grabbed gold until the timer ran out

I did Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Picture Portals next on level 15. The Older Time Foreman was in one of the rooms South of the first intersection. When I got to the Gallery, I accidentally turned on one of the teleporters. I then clicked on it to try to turn it off and instead teleported to someplace in the mansion. Some mobs followed me through, so I lost a star. I killed the mobs there and then teleported back. The Older Time Foreman stopped following me a some point so I couldn't turn in time for a star. I continued on following basically what I had done for Moving Targets, killed three bosses and got only one star. It was enough xp to take me to level 19

My "How to solo quests with lousy equipment" Journal (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.