Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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Morning Sentineli

Waterville, Maine

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I A Waterville Morning Sentinel TKurt'day April 13 1950 'v4A the oil I pMlamfyppeal I your Lip Appeal plus tax RCAVirtrA7 ine tone ytem in RCA Victor history 109 MAIN ST 199 95 i S' no definite but 'Said is better than no AND A CHANS OR 10 AN012 IN RECORDS TOO children i uneral service will be held al the Redington Company uneral Home at 1 riday The Rev Clifford Osborne of the Pleas ant Street Methodist Church will officiate Burial will be at Brook ville i Discuss Program At Conference expressed in a distinctive memorial ofr lasting teauty All monuments are fairlypriced When in need consult CHARLES MORSE SON 5 Spring St Tel 347 RR Supervisors Hon Beniamin i Blanchard Bangor will be guest speaker when the Railroad Supervisors Club of Maine has its last regular meeting Of the year at Hotel Windsor lit Bangor riday 1 Blanchard has been Bangor city solicitor for the pdsV 10 years Is a former mayor and was murilclpal judge for eight years He will give a humorous addreas entitled So You Have Been Chosen to Serve on it Jury A sound film Wheels a Rolling will be shown It Is the colorful movie which was presented atthe Railroad air during the past two seasons Norman Lambert will furnish music during the dinner Officers will be elected for 19504 51 as well as a committee for thq annual banquet and to be hold May at the American Legion hom*o in Waterville Reservations may be made with McGarry general' foreman at Bangor A Derby foreman of Bangor and Aroostook Jypps or Lawrence Sparrow of yater ville shops of Maine Central Rail road I and church condition for a revival of In prayer He suggested Baptist Group fAiRIELD April (Special! TlnrUiefr rtf vm rm nf thft TflWn andiCountry: department of the United Baptist Convention con tinued through Wednesday their rnnf and studies nn thpme The Rural Pastor a Shep herd arid Prophet 'Starting Monday evening the i group heard discussion on their work and on topics that would en able them to better with their congregation and improve the la bors tn the rural district Today the sessions at the air field Baptist Church opened with Rev Ruthr Jackson of Meehan! all leading the devotion Rev Ward Hlbb of Parker btifg Va continued hl talk on church program building Throughout tho conference th Rcvl Mr Hlbb ha been discussing pu tho programs for local churches i' basing hli lnst ruction on the pro gram of tho early church touch ing upon some of the principle that must be used in the building program for the modem church i the element in the program as worship evangelism and fellow ship who in the church is respons ibid be an advisory group In each church to work with and assist the 1 pastor i 1 Rev IlaroldjE Hammer of Bus kirk who ha been a speaker throughout the conferences that world today rail tcreatsrfln that the individual Christian niuit i have grayer discipline and pray i specifically for the needs of people Bel emphasized the Importance of prayer group of from two to 20r persons for new life in 'the church and the world and for regenerating power I 1 I Discussions of thp Old Testa ment prophets' 'continued under direction of Rev Ralph Palemer of Mansfield Mass with periodical forum sessions led by Rev James MacKlIlop of North Livermore In splratlonal addresses' were con tinued by Rev Donald Thomp son of Bridgewater The I institute will close today Rev Ejnrl Hunt of Tenants Bar bor will lead the devotional ser vice at 9 o'clock and the seslons will end vtelth the observance of The 1 Lord's Supper at 11:15 led by Re' Elmers Bentley executive 1 1 cretary 1 i WARNS PARENTS AUGUSTA Me April VD State Police Chief rancis Jr McCabe reported today that sex appear to be on the In iJ crease He' asked parents and teachers to warn children against Accepting rides i from strangers who invite them into their cars McCabe said there have been three jcara involving children In Maln0 In recent week resulting in assaults Police still are seeking men In crimes of thls type Oldj Orchard Beach and Oak Hill he Raid i i 1 1 i Jki lie bit Oi poirucB in jmhu Kern called on Mr Truman do act against whnt he called an holy alliance" between politics and crime in' Kansas City To dafehe said federal authorities have been flouted" 1 The Missouri senator told his colleagues what hfi happcped in his own city may "and can pip pen "The blood bath which Kansas City I nout being forced to endUre may spread to other cities if (in deed it ha not already done qp" he declared! MISS ARDEN TO SPEAK AUGUSTA Me April Miss Elizabeth Arden president of the Cosmetic Manufacturing Company that bear her name will speak here Monday before the Wo men's Advisory Council of "her own a tatc program to aid businesswomen' PLAN CONERENCE 1 I ORONO April A faiw credit conference with secretaries of Production Credit Association and the National arm LoanAsfo elation In Maine participating will be held at the University of Malne riday UP TO TBE MINUTE Skowhegan Phone 411 mail an6 phone orders promptly filled ters Mrs jT Knowlton of South Portland Miss Rachel Williams of this city and Miss Ruth Williams of Portland HO grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren He was a member of the Wa terville Masonlc Lodge and at the age of 71 was presented the 50 year membership medal or rpany years he was con struction foreman for th Maine Central Railroad retiring In 1935 ill body I at hl home 33 Boutelle Avenue where funeral services will be held Saturday aft ernoon at 2 Rev Clifford Osborne will' officiate and Masonic services will be conducted also Burial will be made in Pine Grove Cemetery Hospital Notes Discharged Wednesday frbmi Wa terville Osteopathic Hospital were Stephen (Gregory Winslow and Mr RumcII Leighton Gardiner I I I I Mr and Mr Rlcliardl A Ouel lette 17 (College Avenue ace the parents 6f a daughter born Wed nesday at Sister Hospital Mr and Mrs Gerald Cote iRD 1 are' the parents of a( daughter horn Wednesday at Sisters Hosp! lal I Admitted Wednesday at Sisters Hospital were Calvin Craig Shaw mut Alfred Albert 23 rOnt Street William L' Duguay 23Gold Street Lionel Breard Jr 29 Spruce Street Christian Neil sen airfield Mrs Isabella Wil lette 252 Main Street Peter Ma heu 6 King Street Millard Glea son North Belgrade Mrs Naaajre Bard Kent Clifford Steeves Pittsfield Discharged Wednesday from Si tors Hospital were John Levjdi Green Street Miss Muriel Morri ssette Skowhegan Edward Jos eph King aii fleld Mrs Earl Hof fman airfield Mr Adrienne Hallcc Pittsfield Philip IL Em ery jr airfield rcdL Ordway Dexter Mis Vault Duguay North Vassalboro Patients admitted Wednesday at Thaver Hospital were Rev Ar thur Thurber North Vassalbaro Master JJame Hurd 12 Autumn Street Miss Barbara Shirley North Vassalboro Mrs e(o Monk Bumham' Miss Naomi Jen nlvrn Colby College Miss Sylvia taymond 15 Nudd Street Discharged Wednesday at Tha yer Hospital were Willis Cros by Vassalboro Mrs Richard Clu key 14 Park Street Mrs Elliott Halo and infant daughter 6 Cool Street Isaac Smith 5 May Street Mrs Bessie Sterns 20 College Avenue Master Hilbert' Christie 9914 Western Avenue Blanchard Best or Less1 Save Overhead Expense Barker's Memorials R2 Waterville Tel Clinton 3597 i THREE LIPSTICKS THREE COLORS THREE WAYS TO BEAUTY 'J 5 1 al) in one dainty plastic carry kit Carry "Treasure with it 3 exquisite Herb arm lipsticks in your and always have die right color lipstick handy for every costume you wear! Kit in choice of gay colors with a lipstick color trio to suit you PRINCETO April Gov Thomas Dewey of New York tonight called on Presi dent Truman to set up "genulno bi pattisan" foreign policy and told hlis fallow Republican to stop rocking the boat i i The former Republican Presi dential candidate apeaklng at (Princeton University on the Amer ican political system called on both major parties for "a supreme and Unified to save the freedom He said In hl prepared talk that the nation should stop watching ebnjihuous Communist successes the calm of a Buddha con templating hl navel" The coun I capital he said now "con veys the Impression of fiddling while freedom I Dewey said a real bl partlsan fbreign policy would require "a Radical improvement in the attUude qf both the Democratic National ajdmiinistration and sections of the nUpUUHVdH pAAty I He asid the Democratic Admin istration itself was to blame for past instances of Republican re fuaa to cooperate in bi partlsarf! drpsccutlon of the cold I Bdt he cautioned fellow GOR Headers that "to any sincere offer (of bi partisanship at a time like this the Republican party must of course respond" 1 I "Before any Republican rejolc 'c at the possible shipwreck of the foreign policy of the Democratic Administration" Dewey said should remember that we are all in the same boat" 1 The need for the new bl partUn approach dominated a 10 point program of action outlined by Dewey a the best ay to win the cold war A for the other nine points ol' hl1 program Dewey said the first was to "reverse the ominously ris ing1' trend toward Isolationism In the 'United States" isolationists on the one extremenri lthe soft headed left wingers on the should realize that' Americans could not survive alone in 1 a i Communist world Secondly he suggested that the nation stcar what he des cribed as "elegant nonsense" nd the Approach to foreign 'X He said neither telephone calls to Stalin big three meetings no proposals fbr billlon dollar spent Ing programs lo hrlpRuMl would achieve any desirable result "We cannot buy peace cither by ran som! or tribute" he said Third he said' the nation should the notion that war Is in evitable" ourth he said the nation need VCRYyHBRan(j means so much LO'S GREENHOUSES 198 Silver St WaterrlBo TeL 844 BAPTIST CONERENCE Baptist clergymen who where President Tru have been responsible for the program of the fifth annual Institute 1 ilj i Af fhfti nttftn Kiffiist Lonvm 1 qi tnc ivwn nu Left right they arc RevL Elmer Bentley Waterville ex MADE TO EXPRESS YOUR Ireverence dr 269 Gov Dewey Real Bi Partisan I ih 1 oreign Policy MRS IEMMA ROWE BUftNHAM April (Special) Mrs Emma Rowe SO died Wednesday morning at the home' of heif daughter Mrs Ivan Chad wick 1 Sho was horn lAuguat 25 I860 in Lowell MaMJthe daughter of Mr and Mrs David Hannaford or the past 76 years she has livpd In Burnham i Surviving her are two sons Stan ley Waterville pnd Othello Al bion six daughters Mr Dwight Dixson Clinton: Mr Helen Smith Surrey Mrs Alfreds owler Pitts field: 1 Mrs Doris Clement ree dom Mrs Marion! Chadwick Bum hamand Mrs iCeclli Coffin Al bion 1'1 She also leave! 18' grandchildren nd 14 great grandchildren many nieces and nephew Mrs Rowe was a 'member ofsa Clinton church uneral will take place Saturday at 1 pJm at Donald Shorey uneral (Chapel in Pitts field CHARLES 11 WILLIAMS Charles Williams a resident of Waterville for the past 40 years died at his home 33 Boutelle Avc followlng a ''brief lllness Mr Wil liams was bom in ranklin Nov 29 1864 the son of John and Sa rah Grant WlUUtms Surviving are four sons Preston Williams of Ml lion 'Mass Elwin Williams of Sudkiury Mass Ernest wiiiHmc nf and Hilman Williams of Portland three daugh WBAdCo WATER VILLE TEL 450 beauty in actually eaNTUftY DftSKSN COMES TO USE WITH TWf it 1 a 45 SYSTEM I If HAS A POVJHRUU AAA RADIO 1 UQLirARX Its Ike braid KMl tsjrrirkO oittou Mow 1 Kkft VIUIlIS IN THIS Ml lil iUr minimum tempera ture: 32 Yesterday's maximut tempera "ture: 44 NOTICE The following Application for Restaurant Malt Liquor License has been submitted to the Water ville Municipal Officer for ap proval: James Corey' dba Restaurant No 22J6'T iconic Street Waterville Maine The Application tor me anove License has been taken under con sideration by the Municipal Offl cers of Waterville for approval Any citizen of Waterville whq de sires to show cause why this Appli cation should not be approved may do'so at a meeting to be held for that purpose at 5:00 on Thursday April 20 1950 in the Office Waterville City Hall Signed CHARLES NAWEL City Clerk of Waterville 1 only I complete ly cloudy with an occasional now flurry and colder highest about 38 air colder Thursday night ri day fair and cold Moderate north west winds Thursday Maine arid New Hampshire Thursday partly cloudy with snow flurries In mountain section and colder air (folder Thursday night riday fair continued cold Eastport to Block Island Thurs day small craft warnings displayed for north9vest winds 20 to 30 mph air weather and good visibility 3 Sentinel Almanac April 13 1959 Sun rises: 500 i Suri sets: 6 20 Length of day: 13h 20m i Day's increase: 4h 30m New moon: April 17 1 323 4 Ust quarter: April 1 35 os a ull moon: May 2 019 a Last quarter: May 8 532 ed a better intelligence "not mualcil edmedy affair" 'ifth Dewey called for art In tensified propaganda service "to reach the enslaved peoples of Rus sia and her satellite I Sixth he said the nation hould decide what it wants In both world wars Dewey said the na tion asked nothing and got just that "Not knowing what we did want we 'have again got nothing but a bad peace and a rapidly shrinking free Seventh he cited the for a United States of Europe to serve as "a conerstone of a free He said the should and pr6d this porgram forward to a 'Successful a pre requisite of Marshall Plan aid (Eighth' he said something should be done quickly about the ar East He made recommendations almost any action action (Ninth he said American self interest required a program for evelonment of backward section of the world to "create great strength and friendships in under developed areas" March Income Of CMP Reveals Gain Ovci1949 Augusta April The Central Maine Power Co reported today its net jnenme for March was $391386 a gain of $29244 over March' 1049 Operating revenue last month the statement said was $1775954 compared to $1659286 In March a year ago Operating expenses including taxes also rose $1151812 in March lo $1233143 last month Earning? per share of common stock In both months were 14 cent i or the year ending March 31 net income was $4210481 or the previous 12 months It was $3937 782 4 1 SOLE BENEICIARY 'AUBURN Me April A daughter in law will get the en tire estate of Mrs 'rances Hayes of Bryant Pond daughter of Ru therford Hayes 19th president of the United SUtca The beneficiary I Mr Corinna Hayes of! Pompano Beach la according to the will which was approved yesterday (n Pro bate Court The value of theestate was listed only as more than $1000 Tydins (National Business 15 1 (Continued from the first page) (Continued from the first page) by business to the government Is The Ohio' senator contended that 1 cled to run behipd 1949 by 8 Secretary of State Achesons Vj ccnl in lhe flrat haf and 41 (usal tc surrender SUtc Depart wnt over thc fuU year ment on Mi' Truman in 1 structions could only be Ecn in this an optimist might ed by fear as to what they might find a sign 1 of Improved business confidence 1 Industry earlier had Mr Truman has refused to open portd an anticipated drop of 14 the confidential files on the ground 10 15 Pr ccnv I that the records might smear Inno 'Construction continued to be? alcent people cripple thc BI1 and bright spot on the charts It was 1 It 41 Ma 1 I i al Im 4a Via Vl I cause inc coi lapse oi liu: ciriniieu ui aictivn 1 rivaltv Proeram St 500000000 well above last Taft said Mr Truman "assumes years level 4 the 1 of all persons ao 1 cused by McCarthy ho 1 ji a the attack on Alger Hiss a (GiHiiv Ted hen the House com ConUnued frorii the first mittee first brought out the facta I Hiss la former top State Depart a floor fight against the Dcm ment official was recently convict 1 pcratic move to put the Inquiry ed of lying when he testified under! jnio lhe hands of a special cOjn oath that he never leaked (mittee named by Barkley Tft secrets to a Soviet spy ring courier I sajj he believes GOP senators Summing up the Senate will back Donnell to date Taft declared that the Investigating group is ex Tj dings Committee has to 'tfr ke headed by freshman try Senator McCarthy rather than senator Kefauvcr Tenn who to carry out the real purpose of the! introduced the original resolution InvaeH nn I 41 (i 1 Iiy n4IU 111 444VCI 4 I MI 1 Tydings told reporter he had should be shying away" from LEADERS AT dee ded "on mv own responsion ntv where Presim 1 1 ity to hold up the appointment ot man got his political start of the Town and Country Department 01 me uihku wur Ayer a an assistant counsel to th think any attempt will (lion of Maine nowi In progress Ini airfield are shown in the top Pict Inquiry Committee he made to make political Capital lure Left to right they are Rev Elmer Bentley Waterville ex "I do not believe that candidates of the investigation one way or eculive secretary Rev Luth Parker Chergyfieldi Rev Jaineslnc for office either Democrats or Re Kefauver said 1 Killop North Livermore Rev David Howe pastor of airfield publicans should serve as member Manwh11e Kern whose home is church: Rev LJ Christie Waterville state office Revr Archibald nf ouri staff he said in a state ln Kana City reminded the Sen I Craig IlmiHon Rev Harry Palmer Waterboro Rev Warren ment "I shall certainly suggest Lte that bccauj5 of the statute of I Gifford Sabatlus Itrv John Godfrey Lebanon Below are the prln no Democratic candidates nr nmifation scarcely more than six dual speaker onthf prosrsm: Mftto rightthey are Rev Raipn sons actively identified with f)cmo'weeks remain of indictments are 1 itch Palmer Mansfield Mas Rev Ward Hibb Parkersburg cratic politics to be brought in lhe 1947 theft of Charles Woodworth Wells Rev Harold Hammer "I believe this Is good sense nd ballot boxcs in Kansa City Buskirk Rev Donald Thompson Bridgewater (Photos By that the American people do not jd I Sentinilensman) ed to our staff to help conduct this I rne 'ncnt wl" pw'r" MitRa rifsg And unerals A I CnnlAi' Mpaflandl i 1 I IrlE WUjAin Ln aked Kem uhat Missouri state I Official Government forecast authorities were doing about the( RANK SEGER iii I killings polntJ rank L' Seger 86 died at the st in Thnmdsv nart bn out that" police powers arc home of his daughter Mrs Joseph "4 2Atble nersstonJi snot vested In the IIW enforcement oL Rreard 19 Moore Street Wedne flcers of thc states I day morning after an nine 01 Kcm said that of Course there many weeks He formerly resided is a primary obligation on state at Brookville He spent the greater officials to enforce state law but I part of his life in the farming ln he said there also is a supple dustry but also had been employed mentary obligation on the Pre as a painter and ppper hanger and ident to enforce the laws of the as a wpds cook Hon Kern said that both Blnaggib Survivors include five daughters and Gargotta 1 were under ederal I Mrs Alta Sherwood Bf*ckllnc subpoena when they were slaip MasMrs Margaret Gray Brook and that the United Slates has tfye Ilin Mrs Mary fcj Breard Wer right 'to protect witnesses before I ville Mrs lorence inn Hox a ederal grand jury I bury Mass Mrs peliska Robbins 1 Deer Isle two sons Vernon of Mcarland said that In the I tonlngton andi Leland of Nas scnce of a content keag Point Broolclin two sisters forecment in Missouri had broken irihorke Veazle Mrs down th potnt wh UU thorites were unable to handle it 2i grandcbiIclri iviuding Sgt without federal aid he was Kenneth Seger nbw stationed at clined to believe there was lit 2eat grand (rt ancech ort Dlx real Rrana 0 WB ARPld Cd I A 4 tyi 'J 1' ''r WWS 'is 'iff ft Politics 'Iri IWr 1 ur rfWl 'i? 4 vjf A I I I 1' It A I 'A 1 A 1 I it" JI XI A A 1 a I rv 1 1 '1 az oz vi I Ir I I 'I Jf Jlr'' I 1 1 JhMSI II 1 I'1 i vl a I I 1 I 1 aSHBMW 1 A 1 rin 1 tv I it ML MEami 2 I LI 4 I' 1 1 ksm9bBk1'41H ft I 'rTL xvTTKlvk 1 I Wl I ANftrnx' Joe I 1 A I I I I 'i' i I 1 li a 11 I 1 triple (Z A 1 fa I Vf iBI 1 I 1 1 A I ft 5ii 1 I 1 1 KJ SXft' IT aft 1 1 i i V4A 1 TSKUY I 6 fen4 J1 1 1 I 1 1 tB fen I i A I i I I II ATi ftAz i I I 1 i Mm a ij 1 ft i a dear one departed 1 ft 1 li 1 I Hi I.

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Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.