Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (2024)

You know those mornings where you wake up and by 8am, life just seems a bit too overwhelming? Yeah… I’m having one of those days today. I’ll explain more when I know more, but for now if you could please just send good thoughts out to the universe for my brother, we would greatly appreciate it.

Sitting down this morning to a plate of warm, fragrant, Sour Cream Banana Pancakes helped. There is something about starting your day off with food that fills your house with the aroma of fresh baked goods that just makes you feel good. As I was cooking this morning, stirring the batter, pouring out the pancakes onto the hot skillet, my mind escaped to mornings growing up. A smile crossed my face as I shared with my kids how when I was little, the first “sacrificial” pancake of the batch was always given to our collie dog.

Pancakes are emotional for me and evoke childhood memories like no other food can. Today, I really needed the comfort of childhood and I found it sitting at our breakfast table, eating pancakes.

Recipe: Banana Sour Cream Pancakes

  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 Tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (I used Green Valley Organics)
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon orange zest
  • 1 large, ripe banana, mashed
  1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the sour cream, milk, eggs, vanilla, mashed bananas and orange zest.
  3. Slowly combine the wet and dry ingredients, stirring until a moist batter forms (batter will be slightly lumpy).
  4. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter into a large skillet over medium-high heat.
  5. Ladle the pancake batter into the pan to make 3 pancakes.
  6. Cook for 2-3 minutes, until bubbles appear on top and the underside is nicely browned
  7. Flip and cook for another minute until pancake is golden brown. Remove from skillet and serve warm with butter and maple syrup.

Reader Interactions


  1. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (3)Elle says

    Kristen, I’m thinking of your brother. And sending hugs to you.

    Your pancakes are beautiful. I’m just writing a pancake post, myself, but sitting here wishing you’d taken the photos for me, hehe!

  2. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (4)Alan Cooke says

    Those look and sound yummy!! The wife loves banana Laffy Taffy, but hates REAL bananas. Go figure! Maybe I can win her over with these =)

  3. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (5)Cookbook Queen says

    Thinking of your brother Kristen, and wishing I could have been with you in your kitchen this morning. Your pancakes look so comforting and wonderful. Like a food hug. A sticky one, but still, hugs are hugs.

  4. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (6)patsyk says

    I’ll be keeping your bother in my thoughts. I always find it interesting how we always “need” comfort food from our childhood when we are worried about someone close to us. ((hugs))

  5. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (7)DessertForTwo says

    What a lovely breakfast.

    Sending lots of love your way 🙂

  6. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (8)Pat Wogan says

    My thoughts turned to my Grandma when I read this post. She always used corn meal and sour milk to make pancakes for the dogs every morning…They were delicious and she always gave me at least one of them. So I guess I got the sacrificial pancake. Thanks to all your friends for their prayers for Larry. Your blogger community is full of really caring people!

  7. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (9)Amy | She Wears Many Hats says

    I’ve had pancakes on the brain the last few days and this combo sounds wonderful! I think we should plan a pancake party. What cha think?

    • Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (10)Aimee @ Simple Bites says

      Thumbs up on the pancake party. I’ve been thinking about ricotta pancakes. Let’s do it!

  8. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (11)shelly (cookies and cups) says

    What a perfect breakfast! I wish I could get out of the pop tart rut my kids are currently in.

  9. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (12)Lisa says

    Wow, I never liked pancakes, but this photo/post makes me want to eat one! How do you do that?! 🙂
    Definitely sending tons of good energy out to your brother (and family). Love ya loads!

  10. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (14)Sonya says

    I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I had both of my babies at Centerpoint and live a little ways north of there. If there is anything that I can do to help you out or you need anything while you are visiting let me know!

  11. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (15)SMITH BITES says

    my heart is heavy for you today my friend; thoughts and prayers, healing and otherwise have been said in ernest today – i am also putting Larry on the prayer chain w/a group of friends in my community. these pancakes look like a big hug – have a couple and think of us circling you with big hugs!!

  12. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (16)Recipe Contests says

    I am a pancake eating phenom. We eat pancakes pretty much every sunday. I am looking forward to trying out this recipe. I will however be adding some of those delicious strawberries you have in the background of the picture. Thank you so much for the recipe.


  13. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (17)bridget {bake at 350} says

    Sending you thoughts and prayers…and thanking you for these pancakes. {{hug}}

  14. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (18)Maris (In Good Taste) says

    Your brother is in my thoughts and prayers as are you.

  15. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (19)ErinsFoodFiles says

    Sending good thoughts up for your brother. These pancakes look mouthwatering! I wonder if they would adapt well to a little bit of white whole wheat flour.

  16. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (20)Kim B. says

    Praying for you & your brother! Thank you for allowing us to take a trip back through childhood with you 🙂 Hang in there!!

  17. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (21)Lucy says

    Sending lots & lots of positive thoughts your way!!!

  18. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (22)Sues says

    Thinking of your brother and wishing the best!!! These pancakes are enough to make everyone feel at least a little bit better 🙂

  19. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (23)Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says

    The simple comfort of taking the time to make pancakes with your family in the morning is sometimes just what you need to focus your mind on the present and appreciate the moment. Thinking of you. xo

  20. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (24)Nelly Rodriguez says

    I love how one of your steps is the lumpy batter. Definitely the best pancakes come from lumpy batter! Proven! Yours look gorgeous!

  21. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (25)El says

    Sending out lots of positive energy to you and your brother. Hope everything is ok. The pancakes look sensational, by the way. I would love some right now.

  22. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (26)Andrew says

    Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. Those golden banana pancakes look so delicious that I ‘m definitely going to try out this recipe.

  23. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (27)Marly says

    After talking with you last night about these pancakes, you know I had to come check it out. Love the photograph and recipe. My mom always used to make pancakes with bananas in it, so this recipe brings with a lot of fun, family memories. I like your take on it – can’t wait to try it!

  24. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (28)camille says

    I hope your brother is ok and I’m wishing you and your family strength (which you no doubt already have).

  25. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (29)TidyMom says

    Been thinking and praying for you guys…….
    These pancakes look incredible Kristen!!

  26. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (30)Tracey @ Kitchen Playground says

    Hope all is okay with your brother! The pancakes look wonderful … thinkin’ of adding chocolate chips. 🙂

  27. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (32)Maria says

    The pancakes look perfect! Can’t wait to try them-this baby has been craving pancakes:)

  28. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (33)theurbanbaker says

    pancakes are the ultimate comfort food! sorry you are having one of those mornings. I know it all too well! Fabby photos, K! xx

  29. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (34)Deliciously Organic says

    Gorgeous! My mom used to make banana pancakes on New Years Eve so these bring back memories for me. The photos are stunning. 🙂

  30. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (35)Wenderly says

    Those pictures are stunning! I’m sending up many prayers for you & your brother and your whole family as well!

  31. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (36)Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction says

    These pancakes look lovely… What a great way to start the day!

    I’ve been thinking about you and your family lots!

  32. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (37)Georgia Pellegrini says

    I’ve never been a pancake girl, but these I can taste, beautiful photography. And I’ve been praying for your brother.

  33. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (38)Amanda says

    I love a good pancake recipe, and this just moved to the top of my list of recipes to try… sounds just divine!

  34. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (39)kankana says

    Dropped in from foodgawker and glad I did. You have such a wonderful space. This pancake looks so delicious! My wishes are for your brother!

  35. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (40)Aimee @ Simple Bites says

    I haven’t had pancakes this month yet, and I’m starting to feel it…
    You know thoughts and prayers are going out for your brother…and I’m sending a big hug your way too.

  36. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (41)donna young says

    I love you banana cream pancakes recipe. The bananas make the pancakes moist inside and and crispy outside plus a generous slab of butter with maple syrup is the best. I also saw a recipe before for pancakes where they used cream cheese and not sour cream. Pancakes does always bring back memories of our childhood. The smell of the melting butter and I also loved having crispy bacon with my pancakes plus a glass of milk and orange juice. Thanks for posting the recipe, I tried it. It was delicious.

  37. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (42)Marla {family fresh cooking} says

    Kristin, the sour cream is a great addition to this beautiful, fluffy stack of pancakes.

  38. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (43)molly says

    Yuuummmmmm. My whole family are big fans of pancakes. Also? Those pictures are amazing. I am salivating for some butter 😉

    Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow at the Habitat for Humanity event!

  39. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (44)Debt Collection says

    Wow, im lucky to cram in a piece of toast in the morning. But this looks delicious! 🙂

  40. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (45)torviewtoronto says

    yummy looking pancakes deliciously done looks wonderful

  41. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (46)Brittney S says

    Found you via Pintrest ( the picture made me drool so… I made these pancakes this morning and added some blueberries then topped with strawberries these were a huge hit! Thanks for sharing. Sending good thoughts to you and your family!

  42. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (47)The Duo Dishes says

    Here’s hoping all is well with your brother and your family. Hopefully the pancakes provided a sense of comfort as you said.

  43. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (48)Mia Batol says

    We were all pretty happy. Will definitely return to this recipe.

  44. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (49)Mia Batol says

    We were all pretty happy. Will definitely return to this recipe.

  45. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (50)Kamnra Ahmed says

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  46. Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (51)Jamie says

    Question for you. This recipe only makes three pancakes? Or what is the yield?


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Morning Comfort {Recipe: Sour Cream Banana Pancakes} (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.