Master of Orion Cheats - PC Cheats Guide - IGN (2024)


This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Master of Orion for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Secret ALT Codes

When you are on the Planet screen, hold the ALT key and type in moola to receive a bunch of currency. During gameplay, you can hold ALT and type in galaxy to reveal the local galaxy.


Killer Exploit

With some careful preparation, you can produce a situation where your enemy is helpless against your attacks.

First, build a ship that has a single missile equipped (make sure that you're not equipping torpedoes or scatter packs, as those don't count). As an extra, equip something like the Neutron Stream Projector that can disable armor. As for general ship specs, make sure that your ship is both fast and tough.

Once you engage in combat with your sleek new ship, disable your missiles and get close to an enemy ship, until you are within 2 spaces. Now, fire your weapons at the enemy group, then select the "Wait" option. Provided you survive any retaliation, you'll get another turn. You should still have access to any extra weapons, which you can use again. Then wait, then fire your extra weapon, then wait, then fire the extra weapon, and so forth. Repeating the process prevents the enemy from being able to fire, and you can keep the chain going until you finally win.

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Master of Orion Cheats - PC Cheats Guide - IGN (2024)


How to cheat in Master of Orion? ›

Master of Orion 1994 Cheats
  1. Open a *. SAV game file in the hex editor.
  2. Go to block: 7414.
  3. Type in 1388 (which should appear as 13 88 in the editor)
  4. Save the file.
  5. Reload the file in-game and look for your increase on the "Planets" screen.

How do you enter cheat codes on PC? ›

How to Activate the Cheat Console With Most Keyboards. In PC games, like The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the tilde key (~) is used to display the console window where cheat codes are entered. On most U.S. keyboards, the tilde key is located above the Tab key.

What is the iconic cheat code? ›

#1: Konami Code

There really is no other cheat in gaming that can match the Konami Code in popularity. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start has been embedded in our brains through countless uses across a variety of games.

What is the spelling of cheat code? ›

CHEAT CODE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary.

What is the best uber planet in Master of Orion? ›

Strategy. Cavernous, grassland, and tropical uber planets are significantly better than terran-class planets and nearly as good as Gaia planets, but are accessible much earlier and through fewer terraforming steps.

How do I increase population in Masters of Orion quickly? ›

To maximize population growth across the empire, "nursery colonies" could be created with a population of exactly 4, building a new civil transport each time they grow so as to populate another, slower-growing planet.

How do I enable the cheat bar on my computer? ›

Re: cheat bar not showing

The correct keys to press to open the cheat console in The Sims 4 is CTRL-SHIFT-C.

Does cheat engine work on PC? ›

You can download Cheat Engine for Windows or macOS from You can use Cheat Engine to change the number of items in your inventory by modifying their aspect numbers. Not all games work with Cheat Engine, but you'll have the best luck with single-player Steam games.

What is the best anti cheat for PC? ›

BattlEye is the gold standard of anti-cheat services because: We relentlessly hunt down any hacks, not stopping until they have been dealt with. This means that BattlEye is constantly evolving to make hacking ever-increasingly harder. We truly care about the games we protect 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

What is the famous hack code? ›

The Konami Code was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto, who was developing the home port of the 1985 arcade game Gradius for the NES. Finding the game too difficult to play through during testing, he created the cheat code, which gives the player a full set of power-ups (normally attained gradually throughout the game).

Do cheat codes still work? ›

Many modern games have removed cheat codes entirely, except when used to unlock certain secret bonuses. The usage of real-time achievement tracking made it unfair for any one player to cheat. In online multiplayer games, cheating is frowned upon and disallowed, often leading to a ban.

What is the famous cheat code up down? ›

Players would enter up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and Start on a controller to activate the "Konami code." It was first used in the game Gradius, but later made famous on Nintendo with Contra.

What are the cheat codes? ›

In a video game, a cheat code is a character combination that is entered to change the game's behavior. It may move the game to the next level or cause some other action to take place. See Easter Egg.

What is hack cheat? ›

A cheat is something built into the game intentionally, often for testing purposes. If you use that as a user, it was either made available to you intentionally, or by mistake, or you used a hack or exploit to gain access to it. A hack is a modification of the original software.

What is cheat sheet in coding? ›

A cheat sheet in coding is a quick reference guide that contains important information about a programming language, framework, or library. It can include syntax, functions, data structures, algorithms, and other useful tidbits.

How to mod Masters of Orion? ›

Creating Mods

Simply browse and copy the format of any YAML files you would like to modify to a new location and you're all set to begin modding. Place all your YAML and CSV files in a new folder in “Documents\Master of Orion \Mods”, and activate your new mod in the Mods menu.

How do you beat space amoeba Master of Orion? ›

Keep moving around and try to avoid their blob weapons or whatever they are called, pump out enough missiles, and eventually you will put an end to their spawning.

How do you win economic victory in Master of Orion? ›

To win with economic victory the player must be leading in the economic tab while also having more than 50% shares on the stock market which is unlocked when a plantetary stock exchange is build by any race, the stock exchange is found towards the end in the top of the tech tree.

How do you stop supernova Master of Orion? ›

Supernova. A sun is about to supernova which destroys an entire system, reducing all planets to asteroid belts. To stop this you have to assign population in the system to research a solution. If you have produced enough science points in a random amount of turns the supernova can be averted.


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